Echoes of Earth

By Anciela and The Southbank Centre

“Echoes of Earth” headlined the “Latinxtravaganza festival at the Southbank Centre. Celebrating 5 years of Anciela with an immersive fashion presentation. Inspired by @tavaresstrachan “You Belong Here” exhibition, the show focused on space, visibility and how we can use art to connect and tell stories during a time of environmental crisis.

Date: Saturday 3rd of August 2024
Location: Riverside Terrace, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Rd, London SE1 8XX 


Creative Direction: Jennifer Droguett
Production: @southbankcentre
Design Production: Jennifer Droguett & Eduard Snoeren
Photography: Naomi Ngoo
Choreographer and Movement: Anna Alvarez
Movement Associate: Michela di Felice
Makeup: Dan Delgado
Hair: @soulkitten 
Nails: @leftbyaliens
Set assistant and runner: @julianacaviedes
Makeup assistants:
Hair Assistants: @hairbyvillsstudio@rachelarikehair_
Music curated by @elicomposer featuring: “Rio Abajo” @lucas_hillmuisc_
Live music @viva_msimang
Jewerelly @wink_atelier
Dressers: Ana Marques, Sosa Nnanna, Anuki Bothata
Jacquard Fabric by @alicetimmis @iinouiiorecycledtextiles
Tencel fabrics by Esce-tex @esce.tex
Vintage rescued silk donated by @allegra_hicks
PR: Limitee PR @limitee_pr
Location: Riverside Terrace at the Southbank Centre

Southbank Centre’s summer programme in collaboration with @flawafestival
